due to my utter inability to let go of the whole dithering thing (technically beating a 47 year old dead horse) you're now able to take dithered selfies by using kamerad. send pics of yourself or UFO sightings to hallo@janoelze.de.
(this is the most beautiful one yet. originally i thought these would play out to be purely ornamental, but i'm starting to get used to having a unique "identifier" per terminal session and notice myself scrolling all the way up to check if i got the right tab. also wondering if terminal sessions have an inherent unique ID of some sorts that could be used as a seed for these identifier images. update: they do! `echo $$` outputs the pid of the current session.)
randomly generated ascii art on every new terminal window with qeesung/image2ascii and this fine script by Nathan Reed from 2012.
"Computer Schreibtischstuhl, bequemer Bürostuhl, Gaming Stuhl für höhenverstellbaren Standing Desk blau schwarz", alternativer titel "als die schreibtischstühle den wald verließen", rendering, 2023
Raycast extension that allows execution of text prompts against current OpenAI GPT-3 models. Supports live streaming of generated tokens, markdown rendering and keeps a history of recently executed prompts. Available on GitHub.
rendering, 2022
rendering, 2022