Less Wrong/2006 Articles

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The following is a list of all articles from Less Wrong from 2006, in chronological order. One-paragraph summaries of each post are at Less_Wrong/2006_Articles/Summaries.

The main purpose of this list is to keep track of which concepts introduced in these articles still need pages created for them on this wiki. Also, to keep track of which wiki pages should have these articles listed in their References section.

This list is still in progress. Please feel free to continue filling in this list, or fixing problems with the parts that are already filled in.

Less Wrong Articles
Title Concepts Introduced/Discussed Author
The Martial Art of Rationality Rationality, Rationality as martial art, Problem of verifying rationality Eliezer_Yudkowsky
Why truth? And... Truth, Rationality, Emotion, Litany of Tarski, Map and Territory (sequence) Eliezer_Yudkowsky
...What's a bias, again? Bias Eliezer_Yudkowsky
The Proper Use of Humility Humility, Aumann's agreement theorem, Challenging the Difficult, How To Actually Change Your Mind Eliezer_Yudkowsky
The Modesty Argument Modesty, Modesty argument, Aumann's agreement theorem Eliezer_Yudkowsky
"I don't know." I don't know, Underconfidence Eliezer_Yudkowsky
A Fable of Science and Politics Color politics, How To Actually Change Your Mind, Politics is the Mind-Killer Eliezer_Yudkowsky